If you followed my blog last year you might remember that I lost an etching plate that I had put in the sea. Well, it was found this year!! Not by me, by a friend Peter, and his son George, who had watched me this year put another plate in the sea, and the next day he found the old plate because he knew what it was. He wouldn’t have thought twice about this bashed up bit of metal otherwise. It was found about 20 metres from the rockpool it vanished from. Unbelieveable.

The plate in the rockpool last year before it was lost (left) The plate found this year!! How amazing is that? (middle), George looking after my plate this year (right).

Last look at the sea with a cup of tea...

Last Look

Then with the help from George & Hughie we tie down the roof box lid, as the key broke in the lock. Need that roof box as the boot of the car is full of paintings!


Packing up the paintings for transit back to London. Where is my expert packer when I need him? (In France as it happens!)

Sold this painting to the Carlings who first bought one of my paintings in 1994. Puddle, Towards Port Mary I, Gouache, Acrylic & Pencil on Board


Anja’s husband Peter has a Wallace & Gromit style motorbike and sidecar, which all of her work packed into afterwards!

Over 50 people at our exhibition for one day only on Tuesday. Shared with my friend Anja who has lived on the island for over 30 years- we first met about 20 years ago. She is a biologist by training- and enjoys drawing plants and natural subjects.

It was good to look at the work I had done- not so shabby as my daughter Morgan would say (well some of it).

12 August
12 August
Mobile Studio
Mobile Studio

Technology has let me down I’m afraid in the last week! (I guess that is what is so good about going to a remote island in Scotland!!) Back on the road now - heading home, so here follows a resume of the missing days..

On the Beach
On the beach
On the beach

Painting on the shore today - I love being outside all day- it is great to try and respond to the day, the tide, the light, the weather.

Sunday Paintings!
Sunday Paintings!
Puddles 2
Sunset on the road making it pink
Sunset on the road making it pink
Perfect Rainbow
Nice Weather!
Nice Weather!
The Mobile Studio
Work from The Mobile Studio
The Mobile Studio
Work from The Mobile Studio
The Mobile Studio
The Mobile Studio
Painting 001

I have prepared tiny little boards this year- not sure if it was such a good idea as they are really hard to work on. No room for manoeuvre and hard not to be too precious. Mmm, we'll see.. I have to keep going that's all. It is always difficult in the first week or so, trying to get to grips with what to do, what to focus on, and I always feel discouraged, but have to try and remember that something usually comes out of the uncertainty.

First Sketchbook
First Sketchbook

Two small paintings made on the beach (called the shore in Scotland) so, I have got started... always difficult these first few days. I have got paint, drawing materials, board, paper- where to start? What to look at?

Painting 1
Painting 1
Painting 2
Painting 2
Burton Services
Burton Services

Our last taste of England for a while

Priming the Boards
Priming the Boards
Starting to get ready for Scotland 2017, priming some plywood boards, and thinking about what I will do on them...