Dad Series
My dad died in early April 2020. He had gone into hospital two days before the lockdown for emergency heart surgery from which he didn't recover. I said goodbye to him via Facetime. The lights from the screens and monitors in the darkened room cast a blue light over everything. He was wearing a standard issue blue hospital gown. I drew these images in the night, before he died the next morning. Artists look at the world and make their own sense of it- I feel that I have spent time with my memories of my dad by making these images, and that I have honoured him.

Cardross Series
Early in February 2020 I visited St Peter's Seminary on the west coast of Scotland with a group of artists- we were invited to make work in response to the site. I had started working from drawings, photographs and stills captured from a film on youtube about the seminary in the 1960's when priests were in training there. The lockdown happened and my dad died. We all communicated via Zoom and I talked to my dad, and had drawn him via the internet. I have always been interested in the idea of the voyeur, of watching and being watched. My early work explored these ideas. These images bring these ideas together in a strange circular way.

2 Blackwell Close
Memory explored in these prints. A series of images made by pressing wallpaper from my dad's house into soft ground plates. Chine collee paper from his post which I was now responsible for. Colour from my memory.